
Admit it, you just sang along didn’t you?

Managing money can be hard. Whether you’re looking to make more or make the most of what you have, our ideas are sure to point you in the right direction. We’re not financial professionals, but we have the life experience to understand what you’re dealing with.

Saving Money

The less we spend, the less we have to earn. We’re always on the lookout for ways to save money so that we can keep more of our hard-earned cash – or even better – have the choice to work less. Explore our site for ideas on how to create more time for the FUN things in life!

Making Money

We’re always on the lookout for new and interesting ways to make money. Whether you’re looking for a few extra bucks on the side or to change a long-term career, our goal is to evaluate opportunities so that you don’t waste your time or money getting caught up in scams.

Money Management

Are you in control of your money, or is your money controlling you? With the right money management tools, you can take charge of your financial matters. We have what you need to simplify your life.  

Saving Money

“A penny saved is a penny earned.” -Benjamin Franklin

Making Money

Business and side hustle ideas to help you increase your income.

Money Management

A road map to your financial journey.