If you’re looking to make some quick cash and clean out your house, getting rid of your excess stuff by selling items online is a great way to start. The fastest way to sell your stuff is to have a yard sale, but if you don’t want random strangers coming to your house, consider selling your items online. There are numerous sites for selling various types of items, but one thing they all have in common are the best ways to get the most bang for your buck.

Top 3 Tips for Selling Items Online

  1. Choose good quality items. Everything should be in good condition, clean and in style. First and foremost, the item should be defect free – no tears, holes or visible wear. If possible, make repairs before attempting to sell. Though style is subjective, the more up-to-date, modern, or classic the item is the easier it will sell. People don’t like ugly stuff, whatever ugly means to them. Choose the website that caters to people who will be interested in the style you have. It should go without saying, but every item should be sparkling clean. No one wants to buy your dirt.
  2. Take good quality photos. Photos that show accurate coloring and appear more interesting will better catch the attention of buyers. Pictures with bad lighting, blur or discoloration will cause the items to look less valuable. While you don’t have to hire a professional to take photos of the items you want to sell, your photos should be crisp, clear and visually appealing. The main photo of your listing should show the entire object, while secondary photos can show close-up views of details you want to feature.
  3. Post a well written description. The description should include all important details – size, brand, color, etc. It’s a great idea to highlight important features. Pointing out defects may seem counterintuitive, but allowing buyers to decide if they can live with any damage on the items will help prevent negative reviews. If there is a personal story to the item, including it could make the item more enticing. Avoid spelling and grammatical errors, and make sure your description isn’t confusing, which could turn potential buyers away.

There is money to be made online, and utilizing the internet can be a lot less work than selling items in person. The better these three tips are followed, the more success you’ll likely have.

Where are your favorite places to sell online?