Basic Tools Every Lazy-Girl Needs


Why in the world would a Lazy-Girl need basic tools? After all, don’t Lazy-Girls just want to lounge on the beach all day?

Well, sure, but sometimes things do have to get done. It’s often better to fix little problems before they turn into big problems, and doing small things ourselves will save us time and money compared to hiring a professional. Having a set of basic tools will help you get the job done and keep your home functioning beautifully.

But, I’m not a carpenter! 

Don’t be intimidated by minor home repair and maintenance… We’re here to help. You can learn how to do anything using Google and by watching YouTube!

Ok, I’m on board. So what do I need in my toolbox?



Whether you buy it first, last, or somewhere in between, you’ll need a place to store your basic tools to protect them. Want to find your tools when you actually need them? Designate a spot to store them, and you will know right where they are!

For more information about toolboxes, such as sizes, style, and prices, check out our tool box post.

Basic Tools

  • Ratcheting Screwdriver/Cordless Drill– A tool used nearly every day in this Lazy-Girl’s house.
  • Hammer– Not for playing whack-a-thumb, a hammer can be super helpful in hanging pictures and assembling furniture.
  • Tape Measure–Just because I know my ring finger is exactly 3 inches long doesn’t mean I should use it to measure things!
  • Pliers– Useful for cutting wire and holding small objects, no toolbox is complete without a pair of pliers.
  • Wrenches– When you need to loosen or tighten a bolt, such as when your child’s bike tire needs repairing, no tool is better than a wrench.
  • Tapes– Everyone knows duct tape has more than 1000 uses… and it comes in some amazing colors! (Duct tape, painters tape, masking tape, transparent tape and shipping tape)
  • Cutting Tools– Sometimes, you just need to take things apart. Prevent a big mess and keep yourself from getting hurt by using the right tool for the right job! (Utility knife, scissors, hand saw, etc.)
  • Placement Tools– Need to hang a picture? These are the tools that will help make the task a breeze. (Carpenter’s square, level, and stud finder)
  • Fasteners– Putting things together… (nails, screws, Velcro, command hooks, and staple gun)
  • Safety Gear– No matter what job you’re doing, being safe is a priority. (Safety glasses, gloves, etc.)
  • Odds & Ends– Like the Island of Misfit Toys, there’s always a few small things that just don’t fit in any other category, but they’re awesome just the same. (WD-40, Flashlight, batteries, and more)

WHOA!!!!! That list seems long!

Don’t be overwhelmed! You don’t have to buy them all at once. You can start with a simple kit, adding to it as you go, or you can buy tools one at a time as you need certain them for specific projects.  In the words of Bob Vila, “Focus on your immediate needs and what you’ll need most often down the line.” Also, we agree with Bob Vila, “Costlier may be more durable but that doesn’t mean they’re right for the weekend warrior.” Invest in a higher quality for tools you’ll use most, but you can buy cheaper options for tools that won’t see much-repeated use.

Like this article? The Lazy-Girl Guide to Life also has tips on how to run your household, manage your money and feed your family.