The Handy-Dandy Hammer

The Handy-Dandy Hammer

A very important tool I think every girl needs is a handy-dandy hammer. No matter how lazy you are, at some point you’re bound to want to hang a picture or maybe just kill a spider. Did you know that there is a wide variety of hammers to choose from? Oh, by the way...
Screwdriver and Cordless Drill

Screwdriver and Cordless Drill

Hands down, the tool I use most is a screwdriver. Whether it’s tightening a loose doorknob or changing the batteries in the kid’s video game controller, I use my screwdriver almost daily. The screwdriver seems like a basic tool – but is it? There are many kinds...
Cutting Cooling Costs Made Easy

Cutting Cooling Costs Made Easy

When the days get longer and warmer, the temperatures in the house begin to climb, you’ll soon be turning on the air conditioner. According to the US Department of Energy, 45% of your monthly utility bill is for heating and cooling. But while you are cooling off your...
Lawn Mower Maintenance

Lawn Mower Maintenance

The grass is getting greener, thicker, and taller. Perhaps a dandelion, clover patch or milkweeds can be found here and there. Yes, it’s time to bring out the lawn mower! (Hopefully a riding mower, if you’re a Lazy-Girl like us!) But first – your...