Tape Measure Tips

Tape Measure Tips

A tape measure is a tool everyone should have in their toolbox. Not long after my husband and I got married, we went shopping for a new dresser to complete our bedroom suit. After months of searching, we finally found a beautiful piece of furniture that both of us...
The Handy-Dandy Hammer

The Handy-Dandy Hammer

A very important tool I think every girl needs is a handy-dandy hammer. No matter how lazy you are, at some point you’re bound to want to hang a picture or maybe just kill a spider. Did you know that there is a wide variety of hammers to choose from? Oh, by the way...
Screwdriver and Cordless Drill

Screwdriver and Cordless Drill

Hands down, the tool I use most is a screwdriver. Whether it’s tightening a loose doorknob or changing the batteries in the kid’s video game controller, I use my screwdriver almost daily. The screwdriver seems like a basic tool – but is it? There are many kinds...
Lawn Mower Maintenance

Lawn Mower Maintenance

The grass is getting greener, thicker, and taller. Perhaps a dandelion, clover patch or milkweeds can be found here and there. Yes, it’s time to bring out the lawn mower! (Hopefully a riding mower, if you’re a Lazy-Girl like us!) But first – your...