The Benefits of a Meal Plan

The Benefits of a Meal Plan

The Benefits of a Meal Plan The benefits of a meal plan include peace of mind, saving money on food, and saving you time from deciding what to cook day in and day out. Meal planning also prevents unexpected trips to the store. Meal plans give you comfort because they...
What’s For Dinner?

What’s For Dinner?

What’s For Dinner? What’s for dinner? At the end of a long, hard day, you’re ready for something good to eat. You look in the fridge, and all you see are odds & ends – ingredients you would actually have to cook to eat a meal. Your brain is...
Simplify Your Grocery Shopping

Simplify Your Grocery Shopping

The Joy of Grocery Shopping Simplify your grocery shopping with meal planning. You’ll save time and money, of course, but more importantly, you’ll take the chore out of shopping. I remember being excited whenever my mom said we were going to the store....
Meal Planning Basics

Meal Planning Basics

​How do Lazy-Girls save time and money on feeding our families? By planning things in advance! We like to have several meal plans so we can rotate them out and not get tired of eating the same things over and over. Taking the time to plan out meals may take a little...