About Us

Our Story

All our lives, we’ve been told that to succeed in life, you should go to school, get good grades and work hard.

Yet, all around us, hard working, smart and talented people are losing their jobs due to downsizing, corporate greed and office politics. People who produce better quality work and do things more efficiently are passed over for jobs that are given to people who are better at sucking up to their bosses. Or they’re laid off so the CEO can have his MULTI-MILLION $ dollar $ bonus.  Many people are unable to find work for months – or even years – and when they do find another job, its often at a much lower rate of pay.

We had this crazy thought that there has to be a better – easier – way to enjoy life. So we decided to challenge ourselves to earn a living while being lazy.

The concept is simple – avoid hard work and make money. We consider it a bonus if the job can be done from home while wearing pajamas. Let us invest the time to evaluate options so you don’t have to! This website will be the story of our success or epic failure, whichever the case may be. Feel free to comment, make suggestions or just sit back and laugh while we make fools of ourselves!

Of course, we’re not only about making money. A penny saved is a penny earned, as the saying goes, so we’ve also made it our job to scour our brains and the internet to find ways to save money. Since time is money, we’re interested in finding ways to make our lives more efficient, which includes: meal planning; organizing; and minimizing – plus so much more. We would love to hear your ideas as well!


Meet the Staff: 


I’m a Renaissance Soul – I love to dabble in a little bit of everything, with way too many interests to choose just one. The idea of being stuck in a regular 9-5 job terrifies me. I can’t imagine having to do the same thing day after day for the rest of my life! I’m also a minimalist – buying less stuff allows me to work less and have the lifestyle I want. Being a Lazy-Girl suits me perfectly. My goal is to help you be lazy too. 🙂


While growing up, I was taught to be resourceful and not wasteful. Rather than always buying something, I learned that there may be something else I could use in its place. This has definitely helped me whenever I’ve been short of cash! It’s a great feeling when the money saved can go towards a nice vacation on the beach- being lazy the whole day through – and there’s a sense of accomplishment whenever I can recycle and reduce waste. As a mom of 3, I’m excited to pass this on to my family, as well as all of you through this website.


We want to hear from YOU! Contact us:

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