Toolbox Odds and Ends

Most items in your toolbox fit nicely into a category, however, there are always those random odds and ends leftover you need to complete your toolbox. Check out our list below to finish off your list!


You don’t need a large variety of lubricants but you do need a couple. The most common is WD-40. Cabinet doors and doors get creaky over time. Spraying a small amount of WD-40 on the hinges will eliminate the annoying creaks.  Sometimes, WD-40 is not the best choice and a different lubricant is needed. Powdered graphite lubricant is an excellent choice for locks that are dry and not functioning as well as they should. Keep a shop rag in your toolbox to clean up any overspray – it can get messy!

Extension Cord

Often, you work in areas where there isn’t an electrical outlet nearby. Keeping an extension cord in the toolbox allows you to have power when needed. This is especially true if you are using corded, rather than cordless, tools. When choosing an extension cord, you will want to choose one that is heavy-duty and can handle the amount of electricity you might use with power tools.


Flashlights are particularly handy when working under sinks, pantries and other closets without lighting, and when the power goes out. A flashlight in the easily accessible toolbox during a power outage will help you when you can’t remember where or find your other flashlights! I keep inexpensive flashlights from the Dollar Tree in my purse, the car, and every room of my house. You never know when you’ll want to shine a light on things. There are also numerous styles of lights in different situations. Lanterns come in handy when you want to illuminate a larger area, compared to the directed beam of a flashlight. Make sure to keep plenty of batteries on hand!

Pencils and Paper

Putting up wall hangers can be a challenge. You will want to mark where to put your fasteners with a pencil. It is aggravating when you begin a task and then have to stop because you forgot something. Having a pencil in the toolbox, you will always be ready to mark the wall as needed. With DIY projects, you may be cutting PVC pipe and pencil marks don’t write well on them. For special projects, you may want to keep a wax pencil (you pull a string to unwrap the amount of pencil tip you want) or a black crayon in your toolbox. Sharpie permanent markers also come in handy on some projects.

Sometimes, you need to make note of measurements or make a list of supplies. Keeping a small pocket-size notebook in your toolbox will allow you to write notes. You won’t need to find paper to make your list when you discover that you need to go to home improvement store.

We Lazy Girls don’t like unnecessary interruptions but they happen. Being prepared can eliminate some of them.

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