What’s For Dinner?

What’s for dinner?

At the end of a long, hard day, you’re ready for something good to eat. You look in the fridge, and all you see are odds & ends – ingredients you would actually have to cook to eat a meal. Your brain is fried, and you don’t have the mental energy to put together anything good. So you order take out – again.

One of the hardest things about adulting is answering the question “What’s for dinner?” Every. Single. Day.

Decision Fatigue

Sometimes, it’s less work to made decisions ahead of time. Who wants to have to think after a long hard day at work?  With a meal plan, you’ll know what’s for dinner. Avoid decision fatigue by planning out your meals in advance. Then your only decision to make is whether or not to follow it exactly or swap days. You can save yourself the expense of eating out and ensure you have the necessary ingredients to have a good dinner right at home.

Having a meal plan and following it allows you to eat in the comfort of your own home without spending anything extra. You made your plan, and today calls for plan calls for barbecue chicken. Following the plan, you looked at it last night and took the chicken out of the freezer for today. What are the side dishes? You planned on having mashed potatoes and green beans. Voila! A nice meal prepared without any thought required! Tomorrow night is beef stir-fry so you take the beef out of the freezer to thaw.

What’s for Dinner?

Do you plan out your meals, or fly by the seat of your pants? Are you eating out more than you want because you’re just so tired you just can’t think straight to pull together a real meal? Meal plans can save you the trouble and help you enjoy eating in again. 

Like this article? Simplify your life using the Lazy-Girl Guide to Life tips on how to run your household, manage your money and feed your family.