Top Tips For Selling Your House

Are you selling your house? I recently sold mine and man what a job that was! Months cleaning, decluttering and remodeling before listing…


Fortunately, we received a full asking price offer in less than 24 hours – and I learned a few things along the way. Here’s some great tips for you to use when selling your house:



Have your own inspection done prior to listing your house. That way you can address any issues before they become a problem. It will give you the chance to fix anything that could cause a buyer to have second thoughts or reduce your sales price.


Flip It

TV shows give us the idea that if we remodel our house before we sell, we’ll have the chance to make an insane profit. Reality is that it may not be a good idea to put that much time, effort, and money into it. Evaluate how much the remodel will cost, and what you’ll get out of it so you make an informed decision rather than getting caught up in the allure of making more money. If you invest $10,000 in upgrades to raise your asking price by $10,000, it may not be worth the time spent.


Declutter & Depersonalize

Buyers want to imagine themselves in their new home. While it may still be your home while it’s for sale, potential buyers need to be able to see what it could be like if they choose to buy your house. They also need to see the general condition of the home. If your things are in the way, they may assume there is wear and tear or even damage that they can’t see. Having less stuff is easier to keep show ready. Remove overly personal décor. Use neutral wall colors so that buyers don’t see the work of needing to re-paint.

Many sellers get caught up in staging their home perfectly, scouring the internet for before and after photos for inspiration. While it’s true that staged homes sell faster and for more money than homes that aren’t staged, all staging really means is that the house is clean and decluttered. There should be enough furniture in the room to help the buyer envision how the space will be used. However there shouldn’t be so much they can’t see the space.


Keep it clean

If buyers can see dirt while you’re selling your house, then they may assume that you also haven’t done regular maintenance on your home. Why would they think you’ve taken the time to perform maintenance if you haven’t taken the time to clean? Your home should also smell clean. Avoid any overpowering smells – even if you think they’re nice. Avoid heavy perfumes or pet smells, because they can turn off potential buyers. Consider having your pet stay with a friend or family member temporarily while your house is on the market. You may be used to your pet’s smell and not notice it anymore, but buyers will. If boarding your pet isn’t an option, make sure to keep your pet things clean and dry, as well as using a pet odor neutralizer spray. Open your windows and allow some fresh air in before a showing or open house, if possible.


Good photos are a must

Bad photos can ruin a sale and keep you stuck in your current home much longer than you want. Good photos will highlight the best features of your house while downplaying any flaws. Great photos will show your home in the best light, so consider hiring a professional real estate photographer if taking photos isn’t your, or your realtor’s, strong suit.


Your Realtor

First of all, you need a realtor. Sure, you could sell your home on your own, but why would you want to? Realtors not only take the time to market your home, but they also have access to the Multi Listing Service (MLS). You may have a hard time finding a buyer if they don’t know your house is for sale. A good realtor studies the housing market continuously and will likely have a list of potential buyers to point in your direction. Trying to save money by selling your house yourself can cost you in the long run.

Second, you hired a professional, so treat them like one. They know the market better than you and do this job every day. Experienced realtors should also know how to best price your home. In addition, they’re trained to negotiate and will best be able to help you navigate the legalities of the home selling process. You’re paying them to be your advocate, so let them advocate and don’t undermine their efforts.


Price it Right

Price too low and you’re leaving money on the table. Price too high and your house won’t sell. Buyers will compare your home with others in the same price range, and they want to feel like they’re getting good value for their money. If your house costs more than other houses of similar size, location and condition, they won’t be interested in yours. You’ll want to be priced in line with the comparable homes, or maybe even just a little lower. Work with your realtor to set the price just right for a faster sale.


Selling Your House

The key to having your house show ready is to look at your home from the eyes of the buyer. Look through the listings of houses in your area in the same price range and make sure your listing looks just as good – if not better. Hopefully these tips will help you sell your house faster and for more money.

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