Top 3 Ways to a Cleaner House

Are you tired of your house looking like a hot mess? We’re with you! Cleaning house is a never-ending chore that can make us feel like we’re spinning our wheels. We finish one space only to discover the last place we cleaned has already been destroyed. How annoying! Here at the Lazy-Girl Guide to Life, we came up with our top 3 ways to a cleaner house… check out the countdown below.

#3 Don’t Have Kids

Just Kidding!

I love the huggable little monsters, but you have to admit, they sure do make keeping your house clean a little harder. Turn your back for one second and there’s flour all over the living room! Or maybe your kids are well-behaved but they just have so much stuff.

The key to keeping your house cleaner while having kids at home is to remember that you are the adult and you set the tone. You get to decide how many things they have and where they keep them. 

Children have to be taught how to clean. Have them help you, and they will learn from a young age to value their possessions. They won’t want to make as many messes if they’re the ones who have to clean it up. When they’re young, you’ll have to walk them through the process step-by-step, but as they grow older, they’ll be able to clean without your help. Let them take some of the burden off your shoulders!

Top 3 Ways to a Cleaner House

#2 Touch It Once (Clean As You Go)

Before I learned how to keep my house cleaner, I would take off my shoes next to the door, hang my jacket on the back of a dining chair and set my purse on the counter – leaving a trail of mess everywhere I went. Later, when it was time to clean, the sight was overwhelming –  and it took more than 30 minutes. Then, I learned to “touch it once”. Now, when I come in, I immediately walk to the front closet to put away all my things. Now it takes less than 30 seconds and now I don’t have to clean as much later. Don’t have a front closet? Try a hall tree or use Command Hooks. Organize your storage so that it’s easy to put your things away and you’ll be well on your way to keeping your house cleaner.  

#1 Have Less Stuff

The #1 way to keep your house cleaner is to have less stuff. Having less stuff not only means that there is less to clean, but there’s also less to clean around.  I can sweep/vacuum much faster if I don’t have to move piles of stuff out of the way first. It doesn’t take as long to wash 6 plates/bowls as it does to wash 12.

Most people have at least 100 items (or many, many more!) scattered around their homes that they don’t use or need – get rid of them to make it easier to find what you do love and need.

Keep Your House Cleaner

Keeping your house clean isn’t as hard as many people think. Small changes, along with a change of mindset, will add up to a cleaner house.

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