The Joy of Grocery Shopping

Simplify your grocery shopping with meal planning. You’ll save time and money, of course, but more importantly, you’ll take the chore out of shopping.

I remember being excited whenever my mom said we were going to the store. She, however, made it clear that she was less than excited. Meanwhile, I was thrilled at the thought of picking out my favorite snacks. She sighed and started the car, driving us across town to get groceries. Together we walked each aisle, checking our list as we went. Once home, we put away the groceries and my mom would stress over the cost. She saw the whole ordeal as a terrible chore.

The Game Changer

As an adult, going to the store armed with my list and coupons, I started to see grocery shopping as a chore like my mom did.

My struggle was that even though I had a stocked pantry and refrigerator after shopping, it didn’t answer the infamous question: “What’s for dinner?”

Have you ever stood in front of a full refrigerator and still felt like you had nothing good to eat? I went to the store to buy beef, chicken, pork and on occasion seafood. I would get a variety of vegetables and other side dishes. However, I didn’t have a plan of action, just a conglomeration of food that can be mixed and matched any day of the week.

Having staples on hand is always a good idea. However, without a plan you may still have trouble pulling together a meal. That’s a willy nilly way of doing business. Don’t just buy the items, have a plan! Say you have a plan for the week and then decide on any given night that you really don’t want to eat the planned meal, swap it with another night. The point is this – simplify.  

Simplify Your Grocery Shopping

Planning your meals ahead of time simplifies your life. It may seem like more work, but it will actually save you time and money because time isn’t wasted deciding what to have and less food will go to waste. Simplify your grocery shopping by taking the guesswork out of shopping for your family’s dinner. When you shop, follow your list and you may not even need to go through each aisle.

We Lazy-Girls like the idea of a life of leisure, and we can be one step closer just by simplifying our lives.

Like this article? Simplify your life using the Lazy-Girl Guide to Life tips on how to run your household, manage your money and feed your family.