Make More Money, Save More Money

When many people receive an increase in income, they tend to spend it and forget to increase their saving. While everyone knows it’s a good idea to save more when you have more, it’s easier said than done. 

Even Kids Have Income

As a kid, I received an allowance, and I also earned money from doing odd jobs. Unfortunately, I still had one little problem – I still wanted to spend more than I earned! ‘How can a kid do that?” you ask. I spent my money on ballgames, fast food, magazines, and anything else that just left me empty-handed by day’s end. 

Make More Money, Save More Money

I had a bad view of money. In my mind, people who didn’t spend it were stingy, and I certainly didn’t want to be stingy! Rather than save money, I bought things I thought were necessary.  For example, I bought my parents a new set of dishes. It wasn’t that they didn’t have any dishes; I simply wanted them to have new dishes.  My parents were grateful, but they asked me more than once if I was good on money. I was at the time, but I certainly wasn’t thinking ahead. I was simply blowin’ and goin’ and not saving one penny. 

A Reformed Spendthrift

When my earnings increased again, while finally working at my first real job, I had a financial epiphany! I needed to save my money and then purchase the expensive name brand clothes I wanted.

For the first time, I had a financial goal, and I met it! 

Each time my salary increased, so did my savings and buying power. As a recovering spendthrift, there were days I wanted to blow through a wad of cold cash, but I resisted the temptation. Just because something was discounted, on sale or on clearance didn’t mean I needed it. 

Make More Money, Spend More Money

We Lazy-Girls can make more money by working a second job, selling those things that are no longer needed, or starting a side hustle. Just because we have additional income, that doesn’t mean we should spend it. Making more money – saving more money will grow our money. 

What are some ways you can increase your savings?


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