Don’t Wait for More Money to Start Saving

Have you been putting off starting your savings? Don’t wait for more money to start saving.
Cha Ching! Ahh, The Sound Of Saving!

Coins dropping into a piggy bank make a wonderful sound! Yet, I had a love/hate relationship with my piggy bank as a young child. I knew the money inside could allow me to buy my favorite candy, but if the piggy bank was empty, then I was out of luck.  Every so often, my mom would let me use my money to buy a treat. While she encouraged me to save for a rainy day and not spend literally every last penny, I did.

Tomorrow didn’t exist in my world.

I would always regret it later. I wanted to smash my piggy bank whenever it was empty! How dare it not have money! Unfortunately, if you want to spend money, you have to have money first. 

The Perfect Spendthrift

While my parents encouraged saving, I spent everything anyway. My brother, on the other hand, would put most of his money in the bank. I can remember a few occasions when he wanted a more expensive item at the store – and he could buy it! Because he had money in the bank to pay for it!

My brother was able to save because he wanted to save, not because he had a great amount of money.

We received the same amout for allowance, so he didn’t have any advantage that I didn’t have. The difference was that he thought about the future and decided to save while I was out blowing all of my money. He also had greater borrowing power because my brother saved his money and could pay back a loan.

Money Grows, But Not on Trees

Now, we Lazy-Girls are all grown up and we know the importance of saving money. However, some of us may still be thinking that we need more money before we can start saving. We have this idea that we need to be able to save a specific amount before it’s worth saving at all. 

But that isn’t true.

We can start saving as little as $5 – we don’t have to start with $50 or even $25. Start low and watch your money grow. Saving just $10 a week will total $520 in just one year! It’s better to save something, no matter how small, than to save nothing at all. Start off with whatever you can afford, even if it’s just $5 or $10 a week, and then gradually increase the amount every 6 months. Before you know it, you’ll have a nice nest egg started!

Money may not grow on trees, but money can grow with savings. 


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